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Influencer marketing is on everyone's lips, and more and more companies are asking themselves: "How do we find the right influencers for our brand? In this second part you will find the last two tips. The previous recommendations can be found in our last blog post.

von Stefan Joss

4. search for authentic interactions

A variety of factors come into play when implementing a successful influencer campaign. From the size of the follower count to demographics and timing, it's not always as easy to determine the actual reach of an influencer's content as it is to determine the number of "likes" that come in response to a post, for example.

However, one metric remains crucial in determining an influencer's reach: interaction rate.

When you compare an influencer with millions of followers to one who has less than 10,000 followers, you may wonder how important authentic engagement is to a successful campaign.

Do you think the more people who see your content, the more likely they are to make a purchase?

It's important to be aware that awareness doesn't necessarily drive good results. "Authentic interactions" is the most important metric that leads to conversions and word-of-mouth referrals - and it's the most important metric you should consider when trying to find influencers for your business.

Look at the comments on an influencer's post to see if there are real interactions for the promoted products or brands in the post. The mark of a good influencer is the ability to spark conversations in the comments section. Word-of-mouth reactions (friends tagging friends in a post) is the type of interaction that leads to future conversions.

Ask yourself if the accounts interacting with these posts match your ideal customer profile and if the influencer is actively interacting with your followers. If one of your potential customers has a question about your brand or product, you'll want to know that the influencer is willing to answer the question fully.


5. put the relationship with the influencer first

Our final piece of advice - and one that is often overlooked by brands looking to partner with influencers - is to maintain the relationship with the influencer.

Influencer marketing is an investment in a business relationship, which means that promoting communication is just as important as measuring and analyzing the results of your collaboration.

Indeed, the days of one-off influencer campaigns seem to be coming to an end. Many companies are focusing more on a long-term partnership.

By taking the time to negotiate a potential collaboration, influencers can work with your company to decide which products fit their style and what will resonate best with your target audience in future campaigns.

Like any good relationship, the most successful collaborations with influencers are based on mutual respect and an ongoing and open dialogue.

By keeping these points in mind, you'll be able to find influencers who not only fit your business, but become lasting partners and ambassadors who will help you take your brand vision and communication with your target audience into the future.

Do you have questions about a topic or would you like to know how you can better implement certain above-mentioned points on your website? We will be happy to help you.