Digital subscription Your external marketing team
Wir kümmern uns um Ihr komplettes Online-Marketing!
Warum sich mit den Herausforderungen des digitalen Marketings alleine auseinandersetzen?
Mit unserem Digital-Abo erhalten Sie ein komplettes Team von Marketing-Experten mit einem persönlichen Ansprechpartner für weniger als den halben Preis eines einzigen internen Spezialisten.
Unser Online-Marketing-Service bietet Ihnen eine umfassende Unterstützung für Ihre Online-Kommunikaion. Wir erstellen einen massgeschneiderten und ganzheitlichen Marketinplan und setzen diese Massnahmen um. Dadurch wird Ihr Unternehmen besser wahrgenommen und gewinnt neue Kunden. Mit unserer langjährigen Erfahrung in Bereichen wie SEO, Google Ads und Social Media Marketing bringen wir Ihnen sicht- und messbare Mehrwerte.
Sparen Sie fixe Mitarbeiterkosten und unproduktive Arbeitszeiten. Wir sind mit unseren Know-how stets à jour, verfügen über eine Vielzahl unterstützender Tools und arbeiten in einem grossen Netzwerk mit kompetenten Partern in allen Disziplinen der digitalen Kommunikation.
Mit unserem Digital-Abo bieten wir unseren Kunden eine ganzheitliche und massgeschneiderte Beratung und Betreuung bereits ab CHF 24.- pro Tag.
Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute, um mehr zu erfahren und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam wachsen.
Your advantages:
- Holistic support
- Erfahrung & Fachwissen
- Zeitersparnis
- Kosteneffizienz
- Flexibility
- Know-how
- Technologie & Tools
- Direktkontakt
- Cancellable monthly
Our services
- Campaign creation (Google)
- Campaign creation (Meta)
- Campaign support
- Reporting
- Search engine optimization
- Web analysis (usability)
- Before and after comparison
- Data protection check
- Regular meetings
- Annual planning
- Budget planning
- Action planning
- Regular campaign optimization in collaboration with Google
- Suggestions for improving performance
- Social media analysis
- Campaign creation (LinkedIn & Microsoft)
- HR Recruiting
- Create editorial plan
- Workshops & trainings
- Campaign creation (TikTok & Whatsapp)
- A/B testing
- Content marketing
- Video production
- Coordination with partners
- Creating landing pages for campaigns & newsletters
- Marketing automation
- Access beta programs
720 CHF/month
From 4 hours per month.
Ideal for basic marketing measures such as Google Ads & social media campaigns as well as regular search engine optimization (SEO).
- Campaign creation (Google)
- Campaign creation (Meta)
- Campaign support
- Reporting
- Search engine optimization
- Web analysis (usability)
- Before and after comparison
- Data protection check
- Regular meetings
- Annual planning
- Budget planning
- Action planning
- Regular campaign optimization in
cooperation with Google
- Suggestions for improving performance
- Social media analysis
- Campaign creation (LinkedIn &
- HR Recruiting
- Create editorial plan
- Workshops & trainings
- Campaign creation (TikTok &
- A/B testing
- Content marketing
- Video production
- Coordination with partners
- Creating landing pages for campaigns &
- Marketing automation
- Access beta programs
1,800 CHF/month
From 10 hours per month.
Our most popular subscription is suitable for companies that want to outsource their digital marketing cheaply & efficiently. Our professionals will proactively help you achieve your marketing goals.
- Campaign creation (Google)
- Campaign creation (Meta)
- Campaign support
- Reporting
- Search engine optimization
- Web analysis (usability)
- Before and after comparison
- Data protection check
- Regular meetings
- Annual planning
- Budget planning
- Action planning
- Regular campaign optimization in
cooperation with Google
- Suggestions for improving performance
- Social media analysis
- Campaign creation (LinkedIn &
- HR Recruiting
- Create editorial plan
- Workshops & trainings
- Campaign creation (TikTok &
- A/B testing
- Content marketing
- Video production
- Coordination with partners
- Creating landing pages for campaigns &
- Marketing automation
- Access beta programs
4,000 CHF/month
From 20 hours per month.
Ideal for companies that want to outsource their entire digital marketing - at a fixed fixed price and including services from third-party providers.
- Campaign creation (Google)
- Campaign creation (Meta)
- Campaign support
- Reporting
- Search engine optimization
- Web analysis (usability)
- Before and after comparison
- Data protection check
- Regular meetings
- Annual planning
- Budget planning
- Action planning
- Regular campaign optimization in
cooperation with Google
- Suggestions for improving performance
- Social media analysis
- Campaign creation (LinkedIn &
- HR Recruiting
- Create editorial plan
- Workshops & trainings
- Campaign creation (TikTok &
- A/B testing
- Content marketing
- Video production
- Coordination with partners
- Creating landing pages for campaigns &
- Marketing automation
- Access beta programs